Pharmacy hood

Space-saving and flexible.

Pharmacy fume cupboards are small fume cupboards that were especially developed for the handling of hazardous substances in pharmacies. Of course, they comply with the requirements of § 4 (2) of the German Pharmacy Regulations and are ideally suited for working with dusty preparations or volatile chemicals – not only in pharmacies.


  • Meets the requirements of § 4 (2) German pharmacy regulations
  • Certified according to DIN 12924 part 4 to work safely with dust-forming preparations and volatile chemicals in small laboratories
  • Integrated airflow monitoring
  • Offers odor neutralization
  • Suitable for smaller experiments
  • Connection to customer-supplied extraction system
  • Model in one piece of polyacrylic

Drug cabinets are always used when less toxic substances have to be evacuated. In the column on the left you will find all information about dimensions and volume flow.

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