N-Realyzer – nitrogen and protein determination according to the Dumas method

N-Realyzer – nitrogen and protein determination according to the Dumas method

Experience the intuitive, precise, fast and safe nitrogen and protein analysis with the N-Realyzer.

N-Realyzer sets standards in terms of availability, service and durability thanks to its ingenious design. The fast replacement of all process-relevant components during operation saves working time and ensures smooth operation.

The use of high-quality materials and the carefully considered system design not only guarantees precise analysis, but also easy maintenance and service. The tool-free sealing concept enables all consumables to be replaced quickly.


  • Intuitive operation: Self-explanatory user interface and automated process management make everyday laboratory work easier.
  • Functional instrument design: High-quality materials and tool-free operation guarantee a long service life and easy maintenance.
  • High work safety: Daily work and maintenance steps can be carried out safely thanks to the optimised workflows in the system.
  • Wide range of samples: Analysing up to 100 samples in series, both solid and liquid samples, guarantees maximum throughput – regardless of the nitrogen content.
  • Resource-efficient operation: Factors such as sample-optimised oxygen addition make operation as resource-efficient as possible, so that the costs per sample are low and everyday laboratory work is as economical as possible.

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