Access crystallization and formulation information at mL scale with the Crystalline PV/RR
- In-line analytics and AI-based image analysis equals valuable answers
- Much faster procedure than ever before
- Crystalline PV/RR with “through the vial” analytical capabilities is easy to set up and operate
- Turbidity, particle view imaging or Raman analysis
- Ergonomic design and effortless operation removes all the barriers to using technology which was previously only accessible to experts
- Intuitive control and AI-based software analysis allows every user to classify crystal shapes into different shape classes and obtain the three-dimensional reconstruction of the crystals.
- Overlapping particles are history
- No insert probes into reaction vessel and no cross contamination
- No need for cleaning of the reactor between operations
- AI-based software analysis ensures improved image analysis and research capabilities.
- 6.0 times magnification reaching 0.63 microns per pixel
- Improved temperature accuracy, control and stability
- Ready for robotics
- Digital particle viewer, Real time Raman, Particle Size Distribution (PSD), Turbidity
- Growth rate, particles size and shape assessment have never been so easy

Amanda Aslaksen